Monday, September 10, 2007

Great expectations...

Hello friends...and any other fellow readers! I would like to explain my reasoning behind creating this blog:

1- I have been thinking about how much I miss all of you
2- I love reading Emily, Maggie, and Nicole's fun to read updates and see pictures
3- Emily's "recipe sharing" email made me want to have a central place to share (and receive) great recipes, ideas, etc.
4- Martha Fetzer started a blog for our Freshman Year roommates and it is a lot of fun
5- Then.. Ty's sister told me all her friends post something on a group blog every month to keep in touch.
6- I love writing in my blog and think it is something that all should try
7- Everything seemed to be shouting "make another blog" and I thought, why not?

So here's the deal...this is open to all of you to share updates, announcments, invites, recipes, tidbits of inspiration, anything that you want. You can change/edit/customize/add anything you want as well. I hope it will be fun and a way to keep in touch! I love you girls!

1 comment:

Nicole said...

this is a good idea, though some of us (no names, of course) are going to have to be a lot more aggressive in our blogging habits to make it work! :) (don't you just hate those little colon/parentheses smiley faces? and do you still say "parentheses" if you're just using one? hmmm...)