Thursday, December 13, 2007

Hey Mags, good idea with the tagging. Our blog is getting boring! :)

Best Gift: I honestly don't remember. Brad always gets so excited when he buys me presents that he can't wait until Christmas or my birthday to give them to me. Maybe that's why I don't remember opening a whole lot on Christmas morning the last couple years. Anyway, I'll give it a shot. Last year he surprised me with diamond earrings. Random. I had never even thought about wanting diamond earrings before. But I have to say, I've enjoyed them more than I thougt I would. I still remember the Christmas when I was little where I got a doll house. And I still remember the one where I got a bike...or was that my birthday?

Worst gift: Last year I got a really ugly snowman statue from one of my pre-schoolers moms. I gave it to the DI. It's the thought that counts, though.

Favorite Kids Christmas Song: The Chipmunks one..."Hurry Christmas, Hurry Fast." You know the one.

Favorite Christmas Hymn: Silent Night

Favorite Christmas Popular Song: Oh Come Oh Come Emmanuel. I don't know if this counts, but they play it on the radio sometimes, so I say yes. I love it.

Favorite day out of Christmas Eve, Christmas Day, and New Years? I'm not a big New Years person. I will definitely go with Christmas Day. I'm 25 and I still can't sleep on Christmas Eve night. I love Christmas morning!

As for your request for a prego picture, I'll have to see. I have officially entered what I like to call the "whale-like phase," where no matter how much I exercise or watch what I eat I gain weight and retain water EVERYWHERE!I know you're all jealous. Not so sure I want to share that with the world (or the 8 people who check this blog). I'll see if Brad can take a semi-decent one! :)

I tag everyone else.

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