Tuesday, May 26, 2009

High school cars

Remember how I had the idea to post old memories? Well I admit I haven't done it myself, but if would be fun to hear something. So I thought I would write a list that I made the day I came up with this brainy idea. I have been thinking more about it recently since my sister is SO picky out what she drives. She will NOT drive the van, she wouldn't be caught dead behind that wheel. I keep telling her that High school is the time to have those classic cars, but I guess times have changed!

Here is what I remember about how we got around and had some FABULOUS memories. Some of my favorites include: driving to 7 eleven for slurpees, doing drive bys, getting in ambush fights with the boys, driving with our legs out the windows, the music blasting, and as many girls as possible singing at the top of our lungs. Putting signs on stop signs, Maggie fake-throwing up on the side of the road, sitting and talking for hours, and just having freedom to get around town.

OUR GET AWAY CARS---(Correct me if I am wrong)

Heidi - Navy Blue Honda Civic- "DTL" and the van
Jen- Honda "EEF"
Emily- White Mazda
Bekah- Blue Subaru? All I remember is the back windshield got broken and you drove around with plastic wrap over it.
Martha- Red Honda -"DET"
Sarah- "the copper cricket"- need I say more? (:
Tori- Silver Taurus (the thing that got us around before we could all drive!)
Maggie- The Gold Truck or "GT" - need I say more?(:
Nicole- Joe's prize winning Blue and White Truck ( with a few dents from stationary objects) (:
Sadie-I remember a small red car, but I also LOVED her Dad's Black Truck!
Amy- Acura?
Natalie- A little Silver car?

Ha ha ha it is fun to think about don't you think?


Jen and Ty said...

That list just brought back so many memories. I had forgotten about so many of those. I loved Nicole's little truck, the DET, and Tori chauffeuring us around in her Taurus!

Nicole said...

okay i've meant to say this for forever now, but haven't gotten around to it:


man, i loved cruisin' around slc in our supercool cars. and thanks ever so for "a few dents from stationary objects." fery funny, heed.

matt and amy said...

I am way slow but I just read this post and had to laugh good times. By the way, I drove a black altima with manual transmission affectionately known as ZUZ or Zuz Boomershine.